Community projects

Working Together to Uplift Community Wellbeing

Our GoodYarn community workshops are helping to get everyday people talking and understanding mental health. Together we are stronger. You can read more about the type of workshops we offer below.

Words from Our Community

  • Ashleigh, L

    "Attending the GoodYarn workshop through Southern Wellbeing Trust has helped me feel a lot more capable of talking about mental health and wellbeing with the people in my life.The facilitators made us feel really comfortable and welcome, and made it feel normal to talk about things that are usually taboo. “

  • Claire, X

    ‘it's like doing an emergency first aid course, you hope you never have to use it, but it's such important knowledge to have in your back pocket and to be able to share. When it comes up it is a shock but also a relief to be able to know what to do, to be able to make a difference in that moment and to have a resource and some experience of talking about it to call on'

  • Sunitha, X

    “I have started using the knowledge from this program to give support to people that are in need around me. Overall, I think that Good Yarn is a great project, and it will be very useful for everyone to attend and experience it”

Community Workshops

Community Partners GoodYarn Workshops


Tara, Mag-Usap Taya!


Small Business GoodYarn Workshops

New & Expectant Parents Workshops


Queenstown Migrants GoodYarn Workshops


Spanish GoodYarn Workshops

Have a Workshop You’d Like to See Us Run? Let Us Know!

Get in Touch if you’d like to see us running a specific workshop for our local community. We are always open to seeing what our community needs and what interest is out there! Click below, our SWT Team would love to hear from you.