Helping our community talk about mental health
What is mental health and how do I protect it?
How to do I talk to people having mental health challenges?
How can I support them and support my own wellbeing?
If you want to find the answers to these questions then join us at the FREE GoodYarn Mental Wellbeing Workshop at Frankton Library, where you will learn:
what mental health is and how to look after it
how to talk to someone you are concerned about
signs and symptoms of mental stress and distress
where to go for support
The interactive and enjoyable workshop is led by trained peer facilitators, local people from Queenstown with lived experience of mental health challenges.
They will guide you through how to talk about mental health and share practical, useful tools and advice.
100% of participants would recommend this workshop! This event is FREE but registration is essential, only 15 spots available. Book your spot now to avoid disappointment. Light snacks and refreshments provided.
This workshop has been made possible thanks to funding from the Te Hau Toka Southern Lakes Wellbeing Group and venue support from QLDC Libraries.
Words From Our Community - GoodYarn Testimonial
“You both helped not just the Filipino Community but our Kiwi Partners as well. It does open our eyes and understand others of what they are experiencing regarding the matter. This made us aware that we can feel that way sometimes because we are human, but because of the session we can assess ourselves and situation, through this very informative information we can now help others without hesitation.