Headlight team shines at Inspirational Women Awards NZ
Headlight is thrilled to share that two of its team and one of its past facilitators are all finalists in this year’s Inspirational Women Awards NZ.

Headlight trials new approach to supporting migrant wellbeing
Headlight is running a series of workshops this June with members of the Asian migrant community to test out an innovative and unique approach to promoting migrant wellbeing.

Ni Hao and Welcome Anna Wang to Headlight
The Headlight team is delighted to welcome onboard our newest team member.

Changing Minds, Headlight helping the Queenstown lived experience community to stand tall
Headlight was thrilled to host a special Changing Minds - Rākau Roroa (Tall Trees) workshop in Queenstown this October for members of the Queenstown community.
This unique programme aims to empower people with Lived Experience of mental health challenges to become ‘Tall Trees’, so they can use their personal experience and share their stories safely in their own communities. Their stories are viewed as a taonga/gift that can inspire others, positively change attitudes and reduce prejudice and discrimination towards people with a history of mental distress.

Headlight wins community contribution award!
We're thrilled to share the amazing news that Headlight was the winner of the "Excellence in Community Contribution Award" at the Queenstown Business Chamber of Commerce 2023 Awards.
This important award recognises organisations that have implemented initiatives that have had a positive impact on the community as a whole, and strive to generate outcomes that have a long term benefit for Queenstown.
Missed our Newsletter? Read it below
December 18th - seventh newsletter
August 20th 2024 - sixth newsletter
November. 15th, 2023 - Fifth Newsletter
May. 11th, 2023 - Fourth Newsletter
October. 6th, 2022 - First Newsletter
February. 16th, 2023 - Third Newsletter
November. 11th, 2022 - Second Newsletter